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What Energy Diamond's
Artificial Intelligence Coaching
Atmascope Resonance Engine does

The software we use, 'Atmascope', is in essence a 'resonance engine', an Artificial Intelligence (AI) instrument that can identify the resonance, 'chemistry' or authentic relationships within and between people. The initial output of Atmascope is a diagnosis of resonance and dissonance described in an 'Atmascape' report. Advanced applications can allow us to measure and harness the resonance between two or more things whether those things are people, ideas, products or services. Examples of applications of the Atmascope Resonance Engine are given below.

The Resonance Engine provides an AI system that identifies what a person truly resonates with and helps them engage with it to fulfill their true purpose in Life and Work. It's main focus is to establish and enable values to authentically live by and to develop them into valuable contributions to a persons life and personal mission.

The engine uses internet based AI software that scientist and business coach Jazz Rasool developed through several years of research with hundreds of coaching and consultancy clients. Combined with live consultation with a Resonance Engine coach, the software can help you precisely discover your drives and inertia and then empower you to manage them so you can come to live a life of genuine meaning, vitality and purpose.

In 2011, Jazz won a prize for the 'Best Business Advice in a Tweet' for the Startup Britain annual event for Entrepreneurs. He tweeted:

"Business is about taking your values and making them of value so that they become value-able to others."

In essence the Atmascope Resonance Engine faciltates the conversion of inner values into world useful valuables.

Applications of Atmascope Resonance AI Engine


In Coaching and Therapy
, Atmascope approaches were first used to help clients identify their real challenges and untapped strengths and focus them towards an empowering purpose which they were looking to make a real difference with.
Personal In Personal Life, apart from being able to be used for a personal re-evaluation of ones life, Atmascope can be used to show the shared relationship landscape of a couple, family, or community.
Business In Business, different Atmascapes can be combined and referred to in optimising relationships within teams, organisations, between customers and staff and most significantly between a company and the markets it operates in.
Health For Health and Resilience, Resonance Engine Atmascapes can produce MRI or Catscan-like images of your life identifying areas of Stress and Challenge as well as Opportunity and Resilience. Used with coaching or therapy this can lead to enhanced Wellbeing, Vitality and Motivation.
Matching For Matching, Resonance Engine Atmascape profiles can be used to match retail products or services to customers, identify make up of voters in elections, link people together for romantic relationships, and even as a form of personal icon or id.
In Education In Education, Atmascope can be used to assess students learning direction and highlight imminent challenges and opportunities. Combined, different Atmascape Profiles can be used to create a group learning style for a class of students with mixed needs.
Novel Idea Got a novel idea for how the Atmascope Resonance Engine can be used? Your view is welcome.

Share your vision through our
Contact Form.



“By identifying and working with natural energy flows, Jazz Rasool has integrated the spectrum of life’s domains into an innovative, holistic coaching system.”

Evan Root
Founder, Kindling Point

“The process is truly impressive – on one hand very mathematical and scientific, and on the other very emotional and spiritual.”

Penny Newton
Coach/Business Consultant
Oak Tree Business Consultants
Gloucestershire, UK

“I have benefited immensely from participating in the ED course. It gave me a strong solution based focus and broke huge goals down into surmountable dot to dot pathways.”

Helen Brand
Project Manager
Mental Health Charity
Yorkshire, UK

“Energy Diamond is an incredibly in-depth profiling and coaching system. Tasks followed in a specific order allowed me to ‘unblock’ and allow flow. Resulted in my feeling calmer and clearer. Very Valuable.”

Karen Shaw
Always-Inspired Consultancy
Lancashire, UK

“Energy Diamond is innovative and hits the spot that most other personal development approaches don’t. It’s clever and at the same time mystical.”

Nicola Dickens
Managing Director
Make it Happen Consultancy
Cheshire, UK

“It’s the Energy Diamond approach to staying cheerful, energetic and sane that I especially commend as, in my case, having made a real and sustainable difference.”

Andrew Middleton
Technical Director
Qinetic Ltd

“I can say with confidence that Energy Diamond has been one of the most accurate, in depth and useful systems I have ever come across.”

Kenneth Spencer
Belvedere School of Motoring
Manchester, UK


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